Sustainability week
During one week in the september we will feel and experiences sustainability on different levels all around our regions. The programme for the week is created by all the different actors participating with own events and campaigns.
The Sustainability Week highlights the theme of sustainability and good examples of sustainable actions to the wider public. The week is an arena for discussion about current sustainability issues in the region, and to highlight sustainability work that is done in organisations.
The Sustainability Week addresses the challenge of sustainable development and circular economy in different sectors by:
- Organising a week of sustainability representingresponsible actions. The focus is on ecological, social and economical sustainability.
- Inviting and encouraging different sectors, to organise events around the region on sustainability and circular economy bringing forward their own sustainable and responsible acts. Hence, it provides a platform to market own activities and find new customers, not only to buy products but also for behavioural change and ethics.
About us
The Sustainability Week highlights good examples of sustainable solutions in rural areas. It’s an event week that brings together different actors to inspire and make visible hands-on measures for a sustainable society. The program for the week is created by companies, associations, municipalities, schools, and other actors taking part.
During The Sustainability Week, both small and large players share and highlight their work with sustainability in different ways, the threshold for taking part is low and thus the small, good examples of sustainability that exist in different organizations’ operations are highlighted.
Sustainability Week offers a practical concept as a partial solution for a transition to a sustainable society. The issue of participation is also important and part of the main idea. Together, we can create a strong sustainability brand for rural areas. The sustainable development-week initiative is also eager to create links with other regions in Europe dealing with sustainability, rural development, and rural policy.
The sustainability week is arranged through a thematic network operated under the auspices of the Rural Policy Council and is responsible for the development of rural policy and the promotion of an overall rural policy program within the framework of its theme. Rural policy networks are funded from the national rural research and development funds available to the Rural Policy Council.
We are a partner with the European Sustainable Development Week.
The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) is an initiative to facilitate the organization of activities that promote sustainable development and make these efforts visible on a common platform. The global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) articulates key issues that call for urgent action at all levels and by all stakeholders. The ESDW contributes to this ambitious, universal and transformative agenda by promoting the organization of bottom-up activities that have a thematic link to and support the SDGs. As such, the ESDW aims to raise awareness for the 2030 Agenda in Europe and calls upon local stakeholders to actively engage with sustainable development, in general, and the SDGs, in particular.
Crafts Code good practises
The Sustainability Week has been presented as a good practice for craft SMEs to access new markets and targets. The good practice guide contains 10 innovative practices from around Europe that could be transferable to other regions. Find the guide here!